My current morning Routine

by Josh


“row row row your boat…”

These days I am getting tremendous value and satisfaction out of having and sticking to a morning routine (since early January).

Since I am currently self-employed there is no set schedule for me, leaving many days without a proper structure. 
Usually, I am notoriously bad with getting up early and getting a good start into the day.

Sticking to a routine like this allows me to start the day with a victory and sense of accomplishment before it has even really started.

So first of all, I will tell you all about the routine itself. What parts there are to it, and why I do them. Then, secondly, I will tell you, how I actually stick to it.

As always. I only do this, because I get value out of it, not because I think there is anything wrong with doing it any other way.

All of this usually takes me about an hour:

  1. I have to be out of bed by 6:00 on weekdays. 
Did you notice how it doesn’t say „getting up at 6“? 
My alarm goes off at 5:55, somewhere far from my bed, forcing me to get up. I turn off the alarm and stumble out of the bedroom straight away.
  2. Go for a piss
  3. Brush my teeth and splash some cold water in my face
    These two usually already wake me up quite a bit.
  4. Make my bed
    Just another tiny, yet significant real-world victory.
  5. Write around 300 words
    There is no editing here. I just write down whatever is floating around in my head at that time. Very often it is stuff that I am anxious about, or dreams I had. I find it helps me to get some perspective and calm myself, while often also creating some sort of preliminary structure for the day.
  6. Exercise after a pre-set structure
    Currently, I am doing military-fit training routine. 
Having a preset training routine really helps, because I tend to be really lazy and cheat otherwise. Like „aaah I’ll just stretch a little today“, or some bullshit like that.
  7. Meditate
    I have been meditating for a long time now. Currently I find great joy in following a guided meditation structure for the first time. I never thought this would be valuable because I always took pride in just „sitting down and shutting up“ – it turns out that it is good to begin anew sometimes.
  8. Write down my 3 most important tasks for that day
  9. (optional) Cold Shower
  10. Eat a good breakfast

That’s it. None of these things are original in any way. It is just a potpourri of stuff I read or heard other people do.
How I stick to it is simple. If I don’t, I have to put 100€ in an account which will be donated by the end of the year.
That is no small amount to me – so I always stick to the routine.

Let me know what you think about it, or what routines work for you!